For each marketing course, at the end of each core module, you will take a brief quiz to ensure that you understand the basic concepts covered in that module. Once you have completed each quiz for each module, you will then be able to sit for the final specialization exam (which is taken online) and upon successful completion you will have earned your certification for that discipline.
Our exams aren’t tricky, but they do require that you know the information if you want to pass. A passing grade is 70, and you can retake the test twice (for a max total of 3 attempts). If you do not receive a passing grade after your third attempt, you will be required to go back through the module prior to taking the test again.
The exams are untimed, and consist of 60 multiple-choice and true/false questions. Allow 45 to 60 minutes to complete each exam. Ideally each exam should be taken in one sitting. However, your answers are saved if you need to come back and finish at a later time.