Enhancing productivity at work has always been a key objective for most businesses. From a business owner’s perspective, making the most of your time seems like a perfect way to maximise the end result without the need to invest in more resources. From an employee’s point of view, working less and delivering more also seems like a seamless deal. So let’s examine a few simple, but often ignored, steps towards productivity boosting.
1. Plan, plan, plan… You are probably sick of hearing that one, but having a detailed plan of daily tasks is one of the most effective ways to remain on track. For large projects, try splitting them into smaller sub-tasks, each with a specific deadline attached to it. Recent studies have shown that imposing deadlines effectively fights procrastination by changing people’s mind-set and putting them in an implemental role.
2. Be realistic with timing. Having 20 different tasks on your daily schedule is probably not the best idea as you will end up transferring half of them on to the next day’s schedule which beats the whole idea of planning. Do not overestimate your capabilities. Usually 3 lengthy tasks a day are more than enough so aim for that and if you see that you still have time at the end of the day feel free to use that time to create some meaningful connections and get some new business in.
3. Look after yourself. If you are a workaholic, this one’s for you. I know that a lot of business owners live and breathe their work which is great, but don’t expect to produce results by working eight hours straight with no rest. Taking a few minutes off every hour to rest your mind and eyes from the screen is vital for continued productivity throughout the day. You may even find that some of the best ideas occur during breaks. For even better performance, make sure to remain hydrated and have an active lifestyle. Proper hydration keeps the mind flowing and exercise improves alertness and clarity. Not to mention reduced sickness absence levels.
4. Believe it to achieve it. A positive attitude significantly contributes towards faster and more successful task completion. It is hard to achieve great results without actually believing you can make it. If you are a naturally positive person, then try embracing the role of the influential leader to motivate your team and accelerate efficiency. Otherwise, try having positively predisposed people around who can help spread that mentality.
5. Do not be afraid to innovate. It is important to note down any spotted mistakes or processes that delayed performance. These can be reviewed when you prepare to plan for the next project. This lets you shape each process in the way that best suits your needs, instead of following pre-set examples which might not work for you.
6. Cut out distraction. Try keeping your phone on silent and avoid checking your social media every other minute. If you work with other people in the same office, try wearing headphones to minimise the noise coming from their discussions.
7. Do one thing at a time. Do you ever find that attempting to do more than one tasks at once actually slows you down? Switching focus between different activities causes an unnecessary waste of time. Recent research has proven that multitasking is not as efficient as we once believed.
8. Keep your work space uncluttered. Whether you work at an office or from home, make sure your space is clean and uncluttered. Messy work spaces distract your brain from focusing on what’s important, whereas a clean environment gives you a sense of calmness and allows room for productive work.
I would love to hear your tips on increasing productivity at work. Please comment below and share your ideas.
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