I want to talk to you about a really, really important subject - it's about taking action it's a subject really close to my heart because I know that taking action is at the absolute core of what helps us all be successful.
In our businesses, the actions that we take is what will lead us on to gain success, so I want to give you some tips today that you can use to make sure that first of all, you're taking enough action and secondly that it's the right kind of action.
Make Sacrifices and Take Action
Let's look at taking action in terms of the quantity, every single successful entrepreneur and successful business owner that I've met takes a massive amount of action.
I would go as far to say they're all pretty much maniacs because they're on it 24/7.
My observation is that if you want to be successful in business you have to work like a maniac and that means that you've got to make sacrifices.
That means that you have to sacrifice go to the pub maybe playing that round of golf for the weekend or watching Netflix, whatever it is, more time needs to be dedicated to growing your business than to your leisure.
There's all sorts of stuff out there you know like the 4-hour work week mentality and you know “work-life balance” and all of that nonsense - I've never met a super successful entrepreneur that thinks that they need a work-life balance because work to them is fun, it's exciting, it's what they love doing and a work-life balance really work his life and that's what makes them so super successful.
Consider this - how much work are you really doing? Is it enough to get you to where you need to be?
Be Efficient
The second tip that is that the way in which you undertake that work must be in an efficient way.
It will elevate the results that you get from those actions so be effective, and efficient in the way that you put your actions down so in other words the work that you do needs to be done in an effective way.
Now, a typical example of this would be using social media - when you’re working on social media for your business, how often do you find that you get sucked into the feed and you end up swiping or scrolling looking at all the different posts when you started with the intention of using it for some form of business activity like doing a post or researching?
Before you know it minutes if not hours have been sucked into that social media feed.
You've got to be really, really aware of being efficient and effective with your time because it is going to lead you to super success and the results that you want; you’ve got to be really strict with the way that you use your time.
Social media is a key example but there's plenty of others time-wasters; Being on the phone, having meetings that aren't really necessary, spending an unnecessary amount of time with friends and family.
I don’t mean that you should cut it all out completely but you will need to make choices for your business and those choices are going to help you get to that super success.
If your friends and family love you, they'll understand that every now and again you’re going to have to make sacrifices in order for you to get to where you want to be.
Learn From the Best
One trait that I have noticed with all super successful people is if I send them a text message or I give them a call, they either respond within the first few minutes of me sending a text message or I can be absolutely guaranteed whatever it is that they're doing, they'll get back to me as quickly as they can.
It's not just me that they do that with, they do that to all the people in their network because they're taking massive amounts action all of the time - they're being effective and efficient with their time, so that ensures they get lots of important things done quickly, which means they can respond to me and all the other people that they've got in their lives.
They tie it down to the finer details.
I once had a meeting booked, a telephone call, with a super successful off-the-charts entrepreneur, and the time was booked for the telephone call at four twenty-two in the afternoon and that demonstrates how valuable his time is because he breaks it down to the minute and he was waiting there, immediately after I dialled the number at exactly four twenty-two in the afternoon he picked up the phone straight away and said “Hey Grant”.
Super successful people operate super efficiently.
We need to look at this, observe it and emulate it because super success is what we're after, so think about your actions, think about how much action you are taking, and think about the efficiency of that action.
What can you change in your routine to make it more efficient?
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