Holding each other accountable sounds like a great idea, but if you don’t know what you’re holding each other accountable for the partnership doesn’t work.
To create an accountability partnership that grows your business, you need to:
Your accountability partner needs to hold you accountable for these five business necessities. Your business needs direction.
What are your three main goals right now? Do you want to:
To be held accountable, you need to know what you are accountable for. In this case, you are accountable for:
Set your goals and have your accountability partner hold you to them.
Then, reverse engineer the daily action that lets you achieve them.
Your business needs you not to feel overwhelmed.
Feeling overwhelmed is looking at the big picture and thinking, “How am I ever going to climb this mountain?”. In business, this is the wrong perspective. Instead, look for the path that helps you climb the mountain the fastest. Taking a page from Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, you want to reverse engineer your big business goals into every day actions.
To be held accountable, you need to know what you’re accountable for spending your time on.
Climbing a mountain is putting one foot in front of the other and the same applies to business.
How can you get one step closer to your metaphorical summit?
For example, reverse engineering the goal of using Instagram for lead generation looks like this:
Have your accountability partner hold you to the daily tasks that bring you closer to your summit. Then, make sure you’re prepared to get them done on time by using Jack Dorsey’s prioritization strategy.
Your business needs you to stop procrastinating.
Jack Dorsey , founder of Twitter, ends each day by writing down the most important tasks he needs to accomplish the next day. This is a similar strategy to the Ivy Lee Method , where you write down the six most important tasks that need to be accomplished and work on them in order of priority.
Your tasks are going to be the reverse engineered steps of your big picture goal. Let’s say your goal is to message ninety people on Instagram a day and you have a week to get this done in addition to your other work. This means that your week looks like this:
Give your accountability partner access to your list of prioritized tasks and when they need to be completed by for you to hit your targets. Then, hold each other accountable to these lists in a way that both of you can see if the other is on track or not.
Now that your business goals are defined, prioritized, and scheduled, we’re going to put your business to the side and have you be held accountable to your own growth.
Your business needs you to keep learning.
If you’re not learning, you’re not innovating. Just like your business goals, you can reverse engineer your learning goals down to daily action that helps you stay on top of your industry.
For example, let’s say your learning goals are to read more personal development and business books. Choose five books that you’d like to read and start reading one chapter a day, every day. If each book has an average of ten chapters, you’ll have read five books in a little over six weeks.
Have your accountability partner read the same books on the same schedule as you. At the end of each chapter, send each other your biggest takeaway, holding each other accountable for keeping up the pace of a chapter a day.
Your business needs you to stay persistent.
The romance of entrepreneurship can wear off quickly. if it was easy, everyone would do it. Entrepreneurship isn’t an easy journey and it’s designed for one type of person, individuals who are relentlessly persistent.
The relentlessly persistent entrepreneur is the one who breaks out of the system and changes their life. They’re the one who hits six-figures, celebrates their victory, and then gets back to work so they can hit seven-figures.
Your accountability partner shouldn’t just hold you to working hard, they should be there with you, grinding next to you as you pick up the phone for a cold call for the fifteenth time that day. They can’t accept, “I was tired.” or “I need a break.” as an excuse. Persistence is the line between the businesses that make it and the businesses that call it quits. The accountability partner that pushes you to keep going during the long days is the one that will change your business and your life.
If you can’t secure an accountability partner, the BLAM!-Ability app will be the force you need to make business magic happen. List your daily tasks, targets, and systems and the app will tell you if you’re going to hit your targets or not. If you don’t hit your targets and don’t open the app, you’ll be locked out of it.
It sounds harsh, but this is how accountability succeeds, and we want you to succeed. This app is only for business owners who want to make money, achieve their goals and run a successful business.
How do we ensure you pull that off? By creating habits that make business magic through a (strong) push in the right direction. You can start your free trial as a BLAM! Academy ELITE member here
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