Having been in the app development business since the start, I try my best to practice what I preach by using a variety of apps for my business. The technology is ever evolving as we rely more and more on these amazing devices called smart phones to improve our work and home lives. I’ve listed below the top five apps that I use daily and find to be the most useful, inspiring and helpful when managing a full on entrepreneurial lifestyle!
1. Reminders.
The reminders app is included on the iPhone as standard and there are several similar apps available on Android. It sincs seamlessly with iCal as you would expect. The great feature that I love on this app is the ability to set reminders that are triggered by location. This means you can organise your to-do list and trigger a notification when you arrive or leave a specified destination. I therefore get a notification for my tasks for the day as I pull to up to the office which I find invaluable.
2. Think Up.
Daily affirmations have been used by pretty much every top entrepreneur I’ve ever read about. Programming your subconscious for success has never been easier now the smart phone is in our lives. Think Up is available on Android and iPhone allows you to record your own voice and then set reminders to play your affirmations back to you twice a day, accompanied by music.
3. My Gratitude Journal (Mojo).
This is an app I’ve been using for years and it really is a great tool for keeping your positivity focussed on the important things. It also builds up a nice diary of events as when I look back the images and notes really are windows back to how I was feeling at that time. In essence each day you can use a picture and as many gratitude “moments” as you like, the theory being that being grateful is a key ingredient to keeping your mindset positive.
4. Gekoboard.
This app links up with Google sheets spreadsheet to build beautifully designed graphs to track all of the KPI’s in your business. At a glance you can keep an eye on all of the important stats and quickly see that things are going on the right direction (or not).
5. Audible.
A firm favourite with many people I know, but this list wouldn’t be complete without it. I listen to books daily on this app and it is the source of much entertainment, inspiration and relaxation. My library is filled with all manner of business books and entrepreneurial autobiographies as well as the odd novel for when I need to switch off (not often, lol).
This list was tough to compile as there are so many great apps out there, I’d genuinely love to hear from you with your favourite apps that have made you live a more successful and productive life.
Have a great week!
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